I've started another project, in the midst of my other ones piling up (okay, anddddd?), but hopefully, this one should be shorter/more self-contained.
Creating characters' personalities and designs is one of my absolute favorite parts of the story process. I gave myself a self-imposed deadline to have character designs done by June 10th, 2022. Well ... I have the lead character done at least. Actual ideas for the second lead haven't even been thought of yet.
As of right now, this project is imagined as a comic, but, in the process of start to finish, it could change. Keydra's young probably 13 - 15ish years old and about 5'5/165cm or 5 heads tall if you want to be artsy.
This is the first time I've put serious detailed effort into creating characters. In the past, I've gone with the first idea I have had for a character maybe only tweaking something simple like a hairstyle or color choice. But for this, I've made it that much harder to choose from multiple designs. Just mix-and-matching ideas with the different color schemes were both fun and tedious. I don't want all this work to go to the creative junkyard, so I'll try to recycle the unused designs.
Personal favorites: (view horizontally) Row 1 design 2, Row 2 design 1, and Row 4 design 1.
Which is your favorite?
Until next time!